About the Massachusetts Alternative Finance Program

The Massachusetts Alternative Finance Program improves the independence and quality of life of Massachusetts residents with disabilities through loan opportunities for acquiring assistive technology devices and services. Individuals with disabilities and family members are encouraged to apply.

we see the whole you and the many aspects of your life, including your disability. toddler sipping out of a water bottle.

On January 18, 2005, the first application for the Massachusetts Alternative Finance Program was processed. Since that date, the program has approved 1,717 loans totaling $15,454,452. Early contributors to the program include Jason Luciano, Karen Langley, Steve Higgins, and Jennifer Buxton. In 2019, Easterseals Massachusetts in partnership with the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission received a federal grant to begin a new Mini Loan program. The Mini Loan program is designed to target those individuals who would not be approved by a typical bank.

"The problem has been that with a traditional lender, the alternative finance program has not been able to serve everyone," notes Eric Oddleifson, Vice President of Assistive Technology and Community Support Services for Easterseals Massachusetts. "Applicants with no credit or a poor credit history have rarely been approved. We understand the lives of applicants with disabilities and the transformative power of AT. The Mini Loan will be a game-changer for many applicants with no or poor credit."

Ann Shor, Director of Independent Living & Assistive Technology at the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission sees an opportunity for the new fund to make a significant impact. "It's exciting to be able to offer this opportunity to all adults and seniors, but particularly for young adults," she says. "Transition-age students those ages 18 to 22 usually have no credit history but often need computers, specialized software, and training to be successful at school or work. The AT Mini Loan program could help a lot of young people to become financially independent and launch their own lives."

The goal of the Massachusetts Alternative Finance Program is to provide equal opportunities for people with disabilities to live more independently. Many different items are considered assistive technology, including:

  • Hearing Aids

  • Computers

  • Flashing doorbells

  • Electric wheelchairs or scooters

  • Adapted vehicles

  • Home modifications such as portable ramps or stair lifts.

Our staff can answer loan questions and guide potential applicants to the loan program that best matches their specific needs. Contact us today for more information.

The Massachusetts Alternative Finance Program is operated by Easterseals MA and funded by state and federal grants to the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission.